Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ACTIVITY 17 - Photometric Stereo

In this activity, we estimated and then extracted the shape of an object from shadow with the use of different sources and shading models.

First, we utilized the images of of synthetic spherical surfaces that are illuminated by a far away point source.
It looks like there are no significant difference among the pictures above but the shading of the images tells much information about the surface of the object. It gives the intensity captured by the camera at point (x,y). These images are captured from the surface of the object with the sources located respectively at
This numbers were put into matrix form where each row is a source and each column is the x,y, and z component of the source.
Now we are given with I and V which is related by
We can solve for the surface normal vector by first getting g with the use of the equation
This is the reflectance of the of the object at the point normal to the surface. The surface normal vector is obtained from g divided by its magnitude
From the surface normals, we computed the elevation z = f(u,v) and the 3D plot of the shape of the object was displayed.

The surface normals (nx, ny, nz) obtained using photometric stereo are related to the partial derivative of f(x,y) as
Then, the surface elevation z at point (u,v) which is given by f(u,v) is evaluated by a line integral
Finally, the 3D plot of the shape of the object was displayed.
The shape of the object with spherical surfaces was successfully extracted and displayed.

The Scilab code used in this activity was shown below. I want to acknowledge the help of Gilbert in working on this activity.


// intensity captured by camera at point (x,y)
I1 = matrix(I1, 1, size(I1, 1)*size(I1, 2));
I2 = matrix(I2, 1, size(I2, 1)*size(I2, 2));
I3 = matrix(I3, 1, size(I3, 1)*size(I3, 2));
I4 = matrix(I4, 1, size(I4, 1)*size(I4, 2));
I = [I1; I2; I3; I4];

// location of the point sources
V1 = [0.085832, 0.17365, 0.98106];
V2 = [0.085832, -0.17365, 0.98106];
V3 = [0.17365, 0, 0.98481];
V4 = [0.16318, -0.34202, 0.92542];
V = [V1; V2; V3; V4];

// calculation of surface normal vector
g = inv(V'*V)*V'*I;
magnitude = sqrt((g(1,:).^2) + (g(2,:).^2) + (g(3,:).^2))+.0001;
n = [];
for i = 1:3
n(i,:) = g(i,:)./magnitude;

// computation for the elevation z = f(x,y)
nx = n(1,:);
ny = n(2,:);
nz = n(3,:) + 0.0001;
dfx = -nx./nz;
dfy = -ny./nz;
z1 = matrix(dfx,128,128);
z2 = matrix(dfy,128,128);
Z1 = cumsum(z1,2); // integration from 0 to u
Z2 = cumsum(z2,1); // integration from 0 to v
z = Z1 + Z2;
plot3d(1:128, 1:128, z);

ACTIVITY 16 - Neural Networks

This activity is again related from the two previous activities, Activity 14 and 15. The purpose of this activity is to classify objects from their corresponding class using neural networks. The features of of the samples from the two classes used in Activity 15 was also used in this activity. The Clorets mint candy was tagged with the value of 0 while the Pillows chocolate snack was tagged with the value of 1.

The code below was made to implement the Artificial Neural Network algorithm.

clorets_train = fscanfMat('clorets_train.txt');
pillows_train = fscanfMat('pillows_train.txt');
clorets_test = fscanfMat('clorets_test.txt');
pillows_test = fscanfMat('pillows_test.txt');

cp_train = [clorets_train; pillows_train];
cp_train(:,1) = cp_train(:,1)/max(cp_train(:,1));
cp_train = cp_train';
cp_test = [clorets_test; pillows_test];
cp_test(:,1) = cp_test(:,1)/max(cp_test(:,1));
cp_test = cp_test';

rand('seed', 0);

network = [4, 4, 1];
groupings = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1];
learning_rate = [1, 0];
training_cycle = 1000;

training_weight = ann_FF_init(network);
weight = ann_FF_Std_online(cp_train, groupings, network, training_weight, learning_rate, training_cycle);
class = ann_FF_run(cp_test, network, weight);

** the source code was from Cole Fabro's work

The training parameters, learning rate and training cycle were tuned. It was observe that for a given training cycle, the recognition is more accurate with large learning rate. On the other hand, with the learning rate being constant, the recognition is also more accurate.

I will give myself a grade of 10/10 for this activity. Although the code was already given, I fully understand the effect of tuning the training parameters on the accuracy of the recognition. I thank Gilbert for helping me on this activity.

ACTIVITY 15 - Probabilistic Classification

This activity is related from the previous activity, Activity 14. Two classes from the pattern recognition activity was chose to be used in this activity. The Clorets and the Pillows classes will be the classified by applying the Linear Discriminant Analysis or LDA.

Like the Pattern Recognition, the purpose of LDA is to classify objects into groups according on a set of features that describe the object. Again, we need a training set with their features which will represent the predetermined groups.

The LDA process was comprehensively explained on . The procedure can be explained also by the code made for this activity.

clorets_train = fscanfMat('clorets_train.txt');
clorets_test = fscanfMat('clorets_test.txt');
pillows_train = fscanfMat('pillows_train.txt');
pillows_test = fscanfMat('pillows_test.txt');

train = [clorets_train; pillows_train];
test = [clorets_test; pillows_test];

u1 = [mean(clorets_train(:,1)), mean(clorets_train(:,2)), mean(clorets_train(:,3)), mean(clorets_train(:,4))];
u2 = [mean(pillows_train(:,1)), mean(pillows_train(:,2)), mean(pillows_train(:,3)), mean(pillows_train(:,4))];

u = [mean(train(:,1)), mean(train(:,2)), mean(train(:,3)), mean(train(:,4))];

x01 = [clorets_train(1,:) - u; clorets_train(2,:) - u; clorets_train(3,:) - u; clorets_train(4,:) - u; clorets_train(5,:) - u];
x02 = [pillows_train(1,:) - u; pillows_train(2,:) - u; pillows_train(3,:) - u; pillows_train(4,:) - u; pillows_train(5,:) - u];

n1 = 5;
n2 = 5;

c1 = (x01'*x01)/n1;
c2 = (x02'*x02)/n2;

for r = 1:4
for s = 1:4
C(r, s) = (n1/(n1 + n2))*(c1(r, s) + c2(r, s));

invC = inv(C);

P1 = n1/(n1 + n2);
P2 = n2/(n1 + n2);
P = [P1; P2];

for k = 1:(n1 + n2)
f1(k) = u1*invC*test(k,:)' - (1/2)*u1*invC*u1' + log(P(1));
f2(k) = u2*invC*test(k,:)' - (1/2)*u2*invC*u2' + log(P(2));

f = [f1, f2];

The object with maximum f1 will be assigned to class of Clorets while the object with maximum f2 will be assigned to class Pillows.

The table below shows the corresponding feature vector of each sample from each class. The calculated mean feature for each class and the global mean vector was shown in the table.

The table below shows the results.

The values of the discriminant function obtained are very large. This is due to the large discrepancy between the pixel area and the normalized chromaticity values which were used as featured vector. However, it can be observed that the difference between the two discriminant function were so small.

I will grade myself 10/10 for completing this activity. I was able to implement the Linear Discriminant Analysis thus I was able to classify objects to their expected class. I want to acknowledged Gilbert for helping me finish this activity.

ACTIVITY 14 - Pattern Recognition

This activity was done to be able to qualify different objects through their various characteristics such as shape, size and color by pattern recognition. A set of features of the objects will be used as pattern. We aim to identify from where class an unknown object belongs.

First, three sets of objects were assembled. Each set represent a class composing of 10 samples. This activity utilized Clorets mint candy, Pillows chocolate snack and Potchi gummy candy. The picture of the objects obtained was shown below.

Each of the three class was divided into two sets. The first five samples will be the training set while the remaining five will serve as the test set. The pixel area, the average normalized chromaticity values in red, green and blue will be used as features for pattern recognition. These features were obtained using the techniques that have been learned in previous activities. The pixel area was determined by thresholding, inverting and counting the number of pixels of the black and white image of the set objects. On the other hand, the chromaticity values were obtained by using the non-parametric segmentation technique. After obtaining each feature, they are arranged into matrix form producing the feature vector. The training feature vectors were separated from the test feature vectors. From the training feature vectors, the mean feature vector was determined from the expression
Here, N is the total number of samples in the class wj and xj is feature vector in the training set of the corresponding class. Basically, this is just the mean of the pixel area and the normalized chromaticity values for red, green and blue from 5 samples comprising the training set. Each sample from the test set will be compared to the mean feature vector, which is a 1 x 4 matrix. This will be done through minimum distance classification where the Euclidean distance is applicable given by
where x is the feature vector of the test set and j is the number of classes which in this case is 3.

The feature vector of every sample on each set and their corresponding mean feature vector is shown in the table below.
The resulting mean distance and the classification of the samples from the test set was shown in another table below.
As have been observed, the calculated mean distance, D is relatively larger when the test sample does not belong to the class. Relatively small mean distance tells that the test sample belongs to the class. However, there is a deviation between the Clorets and Potchi sample. Some Clorets test samples were classified as Potchi while some Potchi samples were classified as Clorets. We can say that the deviation was brought by the shape of both sample. Overall, the technique was useful in classifying objects of different characteristics.

I will give myself a grade of 10/10 in this activity. I was able to understand how to use the characteristics of objects as pattern in classifying them through pattern recognition. I had a hard time capturing pictures of the samples that can be threshold correctly in order to use the bwlabel function of Scilab in getting the pixel area. After obtaining the picture, acquiring the data was made easy with the help of Gilbert.

The code below was utilized in this activity.

image1 = 1-gray_imread('bwclorets1.bmp');

// Area computation for training set
[L, n] = bwlabel(image1);
area = [];
for i = 1:n
area(i) = sum(i==L);
mean_area = mean(area(1:5));

for i=1:10
image =imread('clorets'+string(i)+'.bmp');
patch = imread('patchclorets.bmp');

r = image(:,:,1);
g = image(:,:,2);
b = image(:,:,3);

rp = patch(:,:,1);
gp = patch(:,:,2);
bp = patch(:,:,3);

R = r./(r+g+b);
G = g./(r+g+b);
B = b./(r+g+b);

Rp = rp./(rp+gp+bp);
Gp = gp./(rp+gp+bp);
Bp = bp./(rp+gp+bp);

Rmu = mean(Rp);
Gmu = mean(Gp);
Rsigma = stdev(Rp);
Gsigma = stdev(Gp);

// Non-parametric Segmentation
BINS = 256;
rint = round( Rp*(BINS-1) + 1);
gint = round (Gp*(BINS-1) + 1);
colors = gint(:) + (rint(:)-1)*BINS;
hist = zeros(BINS,BINS);
for row = 1:BINS
for col = 1:(BINS-row+1)
hist(row,col) = length( find(colors==( ((col + (row-1)*BINS)))));

rib = R*255;
gib = G*255;

[a, b] = size(image);
np = zeros(a, b);

for r = 1:a
for s = 1:b
c = round(rib(r, s)) + 1;
d = round(gib(r, s)) + 1;
np(r,s) = hist(c, d);

// Mean color per channel
imageR = [];
imageG = [];
imageB = [];

[x , y] = find(np ~= 0);
for j=1:length(y)
imageR = [imageR, R(x(j),y(j))];
imageG = [imageG, G(x(j),y(j))];
imageB = [imageB, B(x(j),y(j))];
mean_imageR(i,:) = mean(imageR);
mean_imageG(i,:) = mean(imageG);
mean_imageB(i,:) = mean(imageB);

mean_imageR_training = mean(mean_imageR(1:5));
mean_imageG_training = mean(mean_imageG(1:5));
mean_imageB_training = mean(mean_imageB(1:5));


// Area computation for test set
image2 = 1-gray_imread('bwclorets2.bmp');
[L, m] = bwlabel(image2);
area2 = [];
for i = 1:m
area2(i) = sum(i==L);

// Mean Distance
D = [];
X = [];
for i=6:10

d = X-M;
D = [D, sqrt(d*d')];
